Longer, Happier Lives

Start with routine veterinary care


Wellness & Preventive Care

We at Morris Animal Hospital believe that the best way to enhance your pet’s quality of life and to avoid health problems is to maintain a regular schedule of comprehensive health examinations. During these visits, we discuss nutritional needs, vaccinations, parasite prevention, laboratory tests and additional medical services that can help us optimize your friend’s health and quality of life.

Even if your pet stays indoors or has limited access to other animals, many illnesses and conditions can develop that have nothing to do with the outside world. Also, your pet’s vaccines are not “one and done” – they need to be boostered every few years in order to best protect your pet from preventable diseases. Most importantly, routine visits can help catch developing issues such as heart disease, dental disease, and weight changes before they become more advanced. Prevention costs less than treating a more severe disease.

We stand by vaccines recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

Core vaccines are recommended for all dogs regardless of their lifestyle, unless there is a specific medical reason not to vaccinate. Core vaccines include:

Noncore vaccines are recommended for some dogs based on lifestyle, location, and risk of exposure. Nonecore vaccines include:

  • Bordetella – Recommended for dogs that go to grooming, boarding, puppy playdates, etc.
  • Lyme – Recommended for dogs that spend time in heavily wooded areas
We stand by vaccines recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
  • Rabies – Required by law
  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV) – Recommended for adult cats that board or go outside
  • Herpesvirus/Calicivirus/Panleukopenia (FVRCP) – Recommended for all cats
    See the link for Feline Diseases and Symptoms
Your pet may experience mild lethargy, decreased appetite and activity, soreness, and/or sneezing (if nasal vaccine given) for 24 hours. While true vaccine reactions are rare, please monitor for vomiting, diarrhea, hives, or swelling, especially around the face or vaccine injection site. If you notice these signs, please let us know right away as treatment may be warranted.
Always let us know if your pet has had any prior reactions to any vaccine or medication. We can premedicate your pet prior to administering any vaccinations – our top priority is keeping them safe.
Due to veterinary licensing restrictions, by law, we cannot fill prescriptions without first performing an examination in order to determine that the prescription is still the correct treatment and dosage for your pet.

Wellness & Preventive Care

We at Morris Animal Hospital believe that the best way to enhance your pet’s quality of life and to avoid health problems is to maintain a regular schedule of comprehensive health examinations. During these visits, we discuss nutritional needs, vaccinations, parasite prevention, laboratory tests and additional medical services that can help us optimize your friend’s health and quality of life.

Even if your pet stays indoors or has limited access to other animals, many illnesses and conditions can develop that have nothing to do with the outside world. Also, your pet’s vaccines are not “one and done” – they need to be boostered every few years in order to best protect your pet from preventable diseases. Most importantly, routine visits can help catch developing issues such as heart disease, dental disease, and weight changes before they become more advanced. Prevention costs less than treating a more severe disease.

We stand by vaccines recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

Core vaccines are recommended for all dogs regardless of their lifestyle, unless there is a specific medical reason not to vaccinate. Core vaccines include:

Noncore vaccines are recommended for some dogs based on lifestyle, location, and risk of exposure. Nonecore vaccines include:

  • Bordetella – Recommended for dogs that go to grooming, boarding, puppy playdates, etc.
  • Lyme – Recommended for dogs that spend time in heavily wooded areas
We stand by vaccines recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
  • Rabies – Required by law
  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV) – Recommended for adult cats that board or go outside
  • Herpesvirus/Calicivirus/Panleukopenia (FVRCP) – Recommended for all cats
    See the link for Feline Diseases and Symptoms
Your pet may experience mild lethargy, decreased appetite and activity, soreness, and/or sneezing (if nasal vaccine given) for 24 hours. While true vaccine reactions are rare, please monitor for vomiting, diarrhea, hives, or swelling, especially around the face or vaccine injection site. If you notice these signs, please let us know right away as treatment may be warranted.
Always let us know if your pet has had any prior reactions to any vaccine or medication. We can premedicate your pet prior to administering any vaccinations – our top priority is keeping them safe.
Due to veterinary licensing restrictions, by law, we cannot fill prescriptions without first performing an examination in order to determine that the prescription is still the correct treatment and dosage for your pet.

Puppy and Kitten Care

There is no more special time in the life of your pet than those first few weeks. In addition to proper immunizations and medical care, we help you reach the important milestones of housetraining, managing common behavior issues, and raising a healthy pet.

When your puppy or kitten was born and for the few weeks following, it nurses from the mother and receives some of her immunity. As this starts to wear off, babies must be able to have antibodies against the diseases of the outside world. In order to guarantee they receive plenty of antibodies to fight off these diseases, repeated vaccination is needed until they reach a few months of age. Your puppy or kitten is not fully protected unless all recommended boosters are administered.

Behavior Counseling

We offer in-depth consultations for problem behaviors such as house-soiling, separation anxiety, unruly and destructive behaviors, aggression, and more. Behavior consultations are scheduled with Dr. Julie Morris, who has been providing this service to the community for over twenty years. Consultations generally last about 90 minutes. Follow up appointments are sometimes necessary. It is best if all interested parties attend the session, though you may wish to leave young children at home. Please bring your pet with you.

Please note: Because behavioral consultations require us to set aside a large block of time in order to properly assess and treat your pet, we require pre-payment in order to schedule your appointment. In addition, completed behavior consultation forms must be submitted 72 hours prior to a scheduled appointment.

  • The Right Dog For You:  Choosing a Breed That Matches Your Personality, Family, and Lifestyle by Daniel F. Tortora, Ph.D. (1980) Fireside –   Simon and Schuster, Inc.
  • Perfect Puppy: How to Choose a Dog by its Behavior by Benjamin Hart, D.V.M., Lynette A. Hart (1997 – ninth printing). W.H. Freeman and Company.
  • Your Purebred Puppy: A Buyers Guide by Michele Lowell (1990). Canada, Fitzhenry & Whiteside.
  • Perfect Puppy by Gwen Bailey (1995). Pleasantville, NY: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
  • Living With Kids and Dogs… Without Losing Your Mind by Colleen Pelar, CPDT (2005). C & R Publishing, LLC.
  • Don’t Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training by Karen Pryor (1984). New York: Bantam Books.
  • Clicker Training for Dogs by Karen Pryor (1999). Waltham, MA: Sunshine Books, Inc.
  • Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson (1996). Berkeley, CA: James & Kenneth Publishers.
  • Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior by Roger Abrantes (1997). Naperville, Illinois: Wakan Tanka Publishers.

Ready to schedule? Please fill out the behavior consultation form below and then give us a call at (574) 271-1909 and we’ll schedule your appointment!